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Written by Administrator   
Sunday, 05 December 2010 07:11

Welcome to VK3EVL.com

Hello and welcome to my website dedicated to my activities in Amateur radio.

Amongst other things, you will find English help in the use of Digital SSTV software "EasyPal".

About Me:

I am a professional computer geek with an electronics (amongst other things) background.

Nowadays i spend most of my time in the data comms world but still do some server support.

Most of my time on air is mobile during drive time when I tend to be found on VK3RSE or portable (well from the car) when out 4wding around the country. Here i play on HF. I have a great interest in digital data modes, having said that, D-star is not one of them.

Finally.... the important stuff

Holden vs Ford: Ford

Nissan vs Toyota: Nissan

Yaesu vs Icom: Yaesu

Bush vs Beach: Bush

Summer vs Winter: Winter


And if anybody else can think of any more things i should add to the list above, drop me a line.

I can be reached at my callsign at the domain of this website. Please note that i cannot provide support on Easypal and any emails on this subject shall be ignored. It's not because i dont like you, but quite simply, after work and family commitments i have very little time left. I help support Easypal by hosting the information on this website, sending notification emails for new versions and when i have time i also provide assistance on http://groups.yahoo.com/group/digsstv along with many others.


Last Updated on Sunday, 03 July 2011 04:45
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